Saturday, September 6, 2008


I had a conversation with my husband about creation and evolution and such. He said, "How do evolutionist explain gravity? I mean, you can't see it but you know it's there. If it weren't for gravity we'd all be floating around in space, weightless objects on random paths." Hmmmmm. He's right you know. It's gravity that keeps us grounded. It's gravity that weighs us down. Hmmmmmm. I have a sneaky suspicion that there is a tad bit more gravity in some places than in other places. I even think we have a "pocket" of more gravity right here in our house. You see, when I step on the scale right where it is, it reads a certain weight. But when I slide the scale over about a foot, it reads a different weight, (one I can live with . . . well, almost). So, when I said to my husband, "Ooh, ooh, does that mean I'm not really fat, and really there is just too much gravity?!!" And he responded, "Uhhh, is that a trick question?" I thought . . . smart man........


Robin said...

Gravity... like your post and love your humor...especially the scale humor :) and I needed something to smile about today :)

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I am an astronomy enthusiast, and I love studying the planets and space. The immensity of it all and the way God put it all together simply fascinates me! And I love debating evolution vs. my opinion, God created it all just as He says in His Word. End of debate!

Life Adapted said...

Thanks ladies for your comments. I love debating creation vs. evolution too. I love hearing evolutionist trying to explain air, water and gravity, it's a hoot. Be blessed.