Friday, July 22, 2011

Working 9 to 5, Not ... continued

... so, with this list of demands, I went to the Lord. "God, I need a job," I said. "It has to be something fun, something that won't interfere with the raising of my teens or working for my husband, and something using my specific gifts and talents." God said, "Is that all?" I said, "No, I want lots of money, too." God said, "Don't push it." I said, "Fine... but not until September, I'm too busy with the kids and guests. I want to be able to enjoy my family and provide healthy and delicious meals for them. I want afternoons free to cook. I want to linger at the dinner table long after meals are over. What I'm saying, Lord, is the only available time would be Sunday evenings." So, God went right to work. In a matter of 6 minutes, I was hired to work Sunday evenings, 4 pm to midnight until the beginning of October. In October, my position and hours will change. I can pick my hours (15 - 25 hours per week) anytime Monday - Saturday. God saw fit to have me minister to women suffering from serious addictions. Currently, (I did my first shift yesterday) I am a monitor on Sunday evenings to 9 delightful women living in a Christian rehab facility. In October, I will be their Spiritual Counselor. I would have never taken the job, feeling wholly inadequate, if God hadn't provided everything I asked for. I am so grateful and so in awe of our God. HE provided all that I asked. The only thing I would change? I would have asked God for a new wardrobe, too : )


Parsley said...

That is AWESOME! God is good.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Oh my1 Nothing new since a month ago! Shame! BY the way, I am back!