Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hungry Pup

Don't let those puppy dog eyes fool you. This sweet, innocent puppy was guilty . . .
of being hungry for the word of God.
"Your words were found, and I ate them,
And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;
For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16
Yep, this pup ate the word. He ate the front and back cover of my Bible, the concordance, a few maps, some essays and a chunk of Genesis. So, I fashioned a new cover using a pizza box and some duct tape. What do you think?

The women at my new job were very impressed. One of them said to me, "Oh, how MacGyver of you!"

Yay me.


:)De said...

You used duct tape so you know how I feel...a true connection! ~Smile~

Indian Lake Papa said...

Lookin good! Is the puppy still alive?? OR is he looking for a good home? I hope the pup is doing better - how are you doing with reading your bible through in 1 year? I am on target, I started September 1st. I am ahead of schedule right now -

Life Adapted said...

Thanks :)De, I feel the same way.

Oh Papa, I am never ahead of schedule... in my life the words "ahead" and "schedule" do not co-exist :)

I am trying, though.

Peace and be blessed.

Robin said...

Love MacGyver :) Cool Bible Cover. I'm working on reading the Bible through with my kids this year. Pray we persevere and don't give up. They seem to be enjoying it...we are in Leviticus now which is a bit tough, but they are enjoying Mark. We are doing a section in the Old and section in the New Testament each day.