Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tell Me

That's it! I quit. When you have children, everyone says, "Oh, congratulations!" Why is that? Shouldn't they be warning you that those bundles of dirty diapers and throw up will turn on you someday. Why don't they tell you that dirty babies turn into dirty toddlers who cry when you try to clean them up? Why don't they tell you that it doesn't matter how many times you tell them to pick up their dirty laundry, they won't? Why don't they tell you when you discipline your children they turn it back around on you and then they tell the whole world how mean you are? Why do they say that "kids keep you young." Not in my experience! They age you! They give you wrinkled foreheads for all the times you worry about them. They give you grey hair. They give you stress induced eating habits. They give you headaches and heartaches. They drain your bank account. They compare you to these phantom friends whose parents are way cooler than you are and let their kids stay out past midnight. They roll their eyes at you before you even get a chance to speak because they anticipate the dumb and annoying things you are going to say to them. Aren't adults suppose to stick together? Aren't we suppose to warn each other? And aren't we suppose to remember April first is April fools day? : )

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