Thursday, November 5, 2009

You Light Up My Life

I walk Bart everyday. I try to walk him in the late morning when the Sun is high in the sky. Today, however, I missed walking him in the daylight. It seems that added to my motherly duties is delivering cell phone parts to a forgetful college student and as long as I was meeting said college student, I might as well buy her and her quirky goat boy lunch. There went my daylight. It was a nice lunch except for the lady bugs, but now I digress. So, I had to walk Bart this evening, after dark. I grabbed a flashlight and went on my merry way. There is a beautiful, bright moon out but it is hidden by clouds and thus very dark. Our neighborhood is not well lit so it was essential that I lighted my path with the flashlight, lest I risk falling flat on my face. Here is the thing, that small circle of light needed to be directly in front of me the whole time. If I lit the path on my right or my left or behind me or too far ahead of me it didn't do me a bit of good. The light needed to be at the spot where my foot would fall next. It didn't matter what was next to me or behind me or way ahead of me, what mattered was the next step. Do you smell an analogy? God is my light and He is where my foot will hit the pavement. He wants me to focus on Him and the path that is directly in front of me, lest I risk falling flat on my face. God is present, directly in front of me, lighting only what I need to see next. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

1 comment:

Kristen Maddux said...

Dear Life Adapted,
I wanted to let you know that I received your kind words on my blog. How wonderful to be encouraged by someone I don't even know! Ah, the wonders of the computer!
I appreciate you taking the time to think of me.
God bless you!