Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hair Salon Code Words - Who Knew?

How many of you knew that "glaze" was code for dye? Seriously? Was I suppose to know that? I guess that women don't want to admit that they dye their hair so they say they got it glazed. Another one of my neighbors was walking her dogs and I said, "I'm sure you're wondering about my hair." She said, "Actually, I haven't once thought of your hair, but now that you mentioned it, it looks shiny." I said, "Rosalie dyed it on me without me knowing it." She said, "You didn't notice she was putting chemicals on your head? Were you in a coma?" "No," I explained, "she said she was going to glaze it to make it shiny and I thought I want shiny hair. I didn't know glaze meant dyed!" She said, "It does look shiny." I told her how I was just being vain and that I would have never dyed my hair red, I would have gone lighter if anything. She said, "It's not red, it's mahogany. Hey, you can always wear a hat." "Or," I said, "join the circus." Hahaha, we chatted about the kids and the dogs and the weather. She said she better go. She said, "Don't worry, your hair will grow and the shellac wears off." "GLAZE, it's glaze; not shellac, not dye, not color; just glaze!" I said, a little excited. Then I apologized. "It's the fumes," I explained, "they have gone to my head."


Parsley said...

Would it make you feel better if I made my hair red? Or how about a pink streak? ;-)

Never fear. From one 'vain' person to another, color fades. In 4 weeks you can put a rinse in it to make it more your natural color.

Life Adapted said...

Oh Parsley, would you do that for me? Then I could say, "Me and my peeps dyed our hair red." That sounds better than I dyed it by accident.

R.M. Jackson said...

I'd be no better off than you were because I thought glaze was like a clear coating of sorts... just for sheen, not colour... much like lacquer on furniture. :-O

Then again, I have had black hair my whole life, so what do I know? :D

It should get lighter after a couple run-ins with shampoo... right?

Life Adapted said...

Thank you Ruth! I don't feel as dumb now. As an interesting side note, people treat red heads differently...the way I look at it now, it's all just blog material:)

Be blessed!

R.M. Jackson said...


Life Adapted said...

Ruth, I just read your April 1st posts. Oh my, and I am complaining about hair!! May God richly bless you for your response, and may He show you His peace. You never know how your responses to situations will affect others. Praying God will use you in that.

Bless you dear one!

R.M. Jackson said...

Our God... He is truly amazing. Only He could get that situation to play out as it did.

Not to worry, because - if only to remind us to smile - He allows for 'hair accidents' too. ;D

Blessings to you, my friend. :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

You could always wear a Groucho Marx outfit when in public - do they have red mustaches and eye brow versions?

Life Adapted said...

Would you recognize me? :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

No problem, you never forget things lIke that and bad nightmares.