Saturday, April 30, 2011


When I got in the car and pulled down my visor and flipped open the mirror, I just could not believe it! I stared dumbfounded at the short-haired, red-head staring back at me. I looked down at the receipt in my hand and blinked twice. $150.00. "What just happened?" I asked the red head. Her only defense, "A moment of vanity." I came home and jumped in the shower, scrubbed my head and looked at the bathroom mirror. The same short-haired, red-head looked back. Only this time she was next to tears. I texted my girls and my husband, "I am going to cry. Rosalie dyed my hair red." My husband texted back, "You can now fulfill your lifelong dream of being a circus clown." I vented to my friend next door. She said, "It's not bad, but your eyebrows don't match." "What!!" I ranted, "I don't dye my hair, I don't pluck or color my eyebrows and my husband wants me to join the circus. I was talked into a few highlights to blend in with the gray and a glaze to make my hair shiny. I thought, I want shiny hair. I am so vain!" I continued, "I realize now that I liked my dull, gray hair. And I liked my $150.00. But because of vanity... a vain pursuit for shiny hair... I have to join the circus to earn money to pay my bills." And because I hadn't yet learned my lesson on vanity, I wondered to myself, Do you think anyone will recognize me with all that clown make-up on?


:)De said...

I'm not even sure what to say, but I know that I want to encourage and lift you up. I guess I say, take lots of pictures so you can all look back and say, "Oh man that was that time that I tried to get shiny hair!"

Peace my friend

Parsley said...

Oh sweet'll be okay. I'll bet you look FABULOUS! The first time I had my hair 'done' my daughter said I looked awful. She was little but it crushed me. Come to find out she just didn't like change. This is the kid who cried when we moved her air conditioner out for a heater in the winter.

That said, you probably aren't used to change either. Have a cup of tea and smile. You are lovely no matter the color of your hair!

Life Adapted said...

You guys are the dearest, sweetest friends that I never met!! I'd say you would never recognize me with my new hair, but since we haven't met in person yet, I guess you wouldn't recognize me anyway!

I love you both for caring.

God bless your day!

Indian Lake Papa said...

I would, I have seen you with your clown outfit.