Monday, May 16, 2011


For some reason, my mother is amused by my blog. This one is about her. I hope she is amused. My mother had surgery today to remove a "bit of cancer" from her breast. "Bit of cancer" is in quotes because that's how she told me. No tears were shed, appointments were made and attended alone, and insurance information (a daunting task) has been filed. My sister and I decided we would both come Sunday evening to tend to her needs, bring her food and drive her to the Breast Center to remove this "bit of cancer." My mother was the epitome of calm. She came home and slept. It took both my sister and I to answer the phone, get her meds, make dinner and watch over our mother. As my sister and I sat down to dinner, exhausted and worn out, our mother got up, heated some soup, washed a dish, took a phone call, watched the news, read the paper, told a few jokes and practically did cartwheels around us. I looked at my sister and said, "I look like I'm the one who had surgery today!" My sister, being the honest gal that she is, said, "Yeah, no kidding!"

Love you Mom...


Parsley said...

God bless her. Will pray.

mom said...

Yeah, I'm still amused with your blog. It is a beautiful one. Thank you. You girls did a great job and the food is plentiful. That "bit of cancer" is gone. Thanks for the wonderful care!!!

Life Adapted said...

Parsley, thank you for the constant support. You're the best!

Mom, if you are reading this that means the laundry is done, the dishes are washed and dried, the bed sheets are changed and the floors are clean. Will you please rest now?!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Love mom - she sounds very special. Will be praying for you both. My wife went through that kind of surgery, out patient, last June doing great. Make sure "mom" does what the doctor orders!

Would you give her a "gentle" hug from me please?

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Papa, will do. Your wife is just as specail. We miss you guys :( I hope we get a chance to see each other soon.


Indian Lake Papa said...

Really miss seeing you folks. You need to come visit us here sometime. We are 2 hours from Detroit and 3 hours from Chicago.