Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Lovely View

This is my kitchen window. I have a lovely assortment of items on a pretty glass shelf that sits above my kitchen sink. In the center is a vase filled with sea shells, sand dollars and beach pebbles. I smile every time I do the dishes for the memories I have from vacations gone by with my family. This vase has items from two coasts and four different beaches.

Today, as I stood at my kitchen sink, doing the dishes, smiling as I often do; I looked closely at the vase and my smile disappeared. That's just lovely, I said to myself. . .

. . . a closer look revealed a stupid, stinkin' stink bug at the bottom of the vase. So, I did just what you would expect a neat freak like me would do. I turned the vase half way around so I couldn't see the bug. Now, he (the stink bug) and me, both have a lovely view.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! I laughed out loud! fp

Indian Lake Papa said...

Thats what happens when things bug ya!