Friday, October 14, 2011

And The Boy Said...

So, the 17 year old boy comes to me and says, "Ma, can me and my friend go to a motocross track 4 hours away from home, race ATV's all day and then spend the night at a camp ground in the woods?" I carefully thought about it for an entire 4 seconds and said, "No." For the next 3 days he followed me around the house asking me why I was so mean? I told him I used to be nice, I only got mean after I had kids. He tried every trick under the sun to make me and my husband feel guilty for not letting him go. This is the same boy that tried to swim in the ocean in Florida a week ago while there were black flags posted because of a tropical storm off the coast. This the same boy who, being very allergic to blueberries, asked if he could eat one to see what would happen. This is the same boy who wanted to put a motor on his skate board. And this is the same mom who said, "No. No. No." I promised him we would do something really fun instead. The boy asked, "Ma, what are we doing this weekend instead of me going to a really cool motocross race track and racing ATV's for 2 days?" I said, in my best-ever cheery voice, "Oh, boy, we are going to church on Saturday night with the puppy and on Sunday, you're just going to love this, we're all going to go apple picking!" What do you think the boy said? . . .


Parsley said...

He said, in a cheery voice, "That sounds much safer and a lot more boring. Hooray!"

Life Adapted said...

Hahaha, yeah, something like that : )

Be blessed dear one.

Indian Lake Papa said...

"What if I take Indian Lake Papa with me to the motocross track, then can I go?? Please PLease?? He says he never gets in trouble."

Anonymous said...

And the boy said: Great, You and Dad can go apple picking and when I get back from Motocross you will have a few apple pies baked. Yum!!!!!!!

Life Adapted said...

Papa, Now you both are lying to me!

Mom, when he's there next weekend, don't let him get away with anything!

Love you guys!

Robin said...

Yes, Papa is full of bologna :) never gets in trouble...hahaha

I miss reading your blog. I was just looking at one of mine and found a comment you left a couple months ago...I'm really slow these days.

I'm just now getting a taste of life with an 11 almost 12 year old...They think differently than we do...but one day years from now they will probably say the same "crazy" things we do...

Life Adapted said...

Robin, the fun never ends with pre-teens . . .

Be blessed.