Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just Sad

Sometimes life is good and sometimes not. It's always hard to see times come to an end. Babies grow into toddlers, who grow into children, who grow into youngsters, who grow into adults. Vacations end, visitors leave, puppies become dogs, kids move away. Families feud, make up and feud again. What is living, dies. What's the point? I think the point is to live well while the living is good. My dear friend is at the end of her life and it saddens my heart. There are still too many things we have to do together. But, during good times and bad, we found a way to laugh. We shared stories and feelings and food and drink. We shared good health and bad health. We shared secrets and prayers and faith and love and joy. We have encouraged each other with God's word. We have agonized over our children, our country and world affairs. We armored up and stripped down. We licked our wounds and stood back up. We are battle scarred. We have seen the enemy but, we have found victory on our knees. It's easier to stand after you've been on your knees. When things seem impossible we remind each other of God's promises and say, "It's a season." There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: . . . Ecclesiastes 3:1 We have built memories, relationships and bridges. She loves me and I her. She'll go where God calls her, as we all will someday, the only difference is, she does with true peace. Her favorite verse: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 I am not afraid my friend, just sad...


:)De said...

I wish you both....Peace!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Praying for you and your friend - God has you both in His arms.

Life Adapted said...

Thank you dear friend.