Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

This is from my daughter's Italy blog. It sounds like something that would happen to me :)

Written by daughter #1:
So let me set the scene for this picture . . . We get dropped off in Verona pretty much right in front of the huge arena (which looks exactly like a smaller version of the Colosseum), where there are multiple characters dressed up in the streets, like angels, pharaohs, and Roman soldiers, who people take pictures with and then are guilted into paying. The boys see the Roman soldiers with their massive pretend swords and armor and recruit me to take pictures for them. They act super dramatic, choking the soldiers and having sword fights and pretending to have their heads chopped off. Then they say to me, "Hey, you go take a picture with them, it will be funny!" and I think, "Why not? I want to have a sword fight too!" But as I walk over I realize that the soldiers do not want to have a sword fight with a young American girl, they want to hug her and kiss her hand and wink at her and make suggestive faces and generally be rude Italian men. And the boys, of course, think that this is hysterical and snap lots of pictures and do nothing to rescue me from the clutches of the lewd Roman soldiers. Hmpf

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