Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want Details & Hugs

So, my husband took a surprise trip to our son's Military school to see his last home basketball game. I was nervous about how it would go. It seems funny to me that I would be nervous for father and son to see each other considering they have had a wonderful relationship the boy's whole life. But, dads are different than moms. Moms ask questions like, "How do you feel?", "Do you have enough pairs of underwear?", "Is the food good, like mine, I mean, does it taste good?", "Are you getting enough sleep?" Men on the other hand say, "Hello," and basically, that's it. What would they talk about without me? Would my husband find out the important stuff - you know, about the food and the underwear? Would my son offer any information if it weren't asked directly? I debated on giving my husband a list of questions to ask, written on a little white index card. I decided against that. So, when my husband called me 3 hours after he left, at half-time, I asked, anxiously, "How is he? Did he lose any weight? Did he grow? Does he need underwear?" My husband responded in his usual dry manner, "Which question should I answer first?" "Augh, just tell me if he was happy to see you?" "Yes," he said, "he came right over and shook my hand." "Shook your hand!?" I fumed. "Yes, sweetheart, that's what boys in Military school do." And that was about all the details I got. I think I'll go to Wal-Mart tomorrow and get some underwear . . . just in case.

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