Saturday, February 26, 2011


I now know how the term empty-nest really came to be. Empty-nest syndrome is a phrase that was coined by someone to describe the feelings parents feel when their children fly away from the nest, or in other words, leave home. But I have a new understanding of empty-nest. For me, it is an opportunity to empty the nest of all the stuff my kids were holding on to. Heh-heh-heh. No one is here to stop me from throwing out old sneakers and T-shirts and games and toys and empty photo frames with broken glass and old books. My daughter even had a plastic container that was labeled, "Odd game pieces". Guess what folks, I am emptying my nest and it feels pretty good! Good-bye odd game pieces, heck, good-bye odd games. Does anyone really ever play Old Maid? And, not for nothing, but I never liked Candy Land or Shoots and Ladders. Can you say, "boring"? I used to pay the babysitters to play those games with my kids. Now, don't think that I don't miss the little birdies, because Lord knows I do. It's just that it's easier to keep the old nest neat without all the clutter. Less is more. Can I get an Amen? And when the little birds come home, I better not hear a peep out of them over this. . .

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