Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pilates Class

I joined a Pilates class. It's awesome! There are some serious Pilates students in my class. Did you know you can buy Pilates clothing? Yup, pants, tops and undergarment designed to give you a better Pilates workout. Me, I wear my baggy sweats and a baggy T-shirt. You can also buy other accessories for Pilates, like mats, balls, rings, bands and weights, all designed to give you a better workout. I want a better workout. I want to look like my instructor (though my husband says she looks like a man). So, I went to Target with my daughter's friend to buy a Pilates mat. If truth be told, I just don't want to use the gym's mats because not all Pilate students smell very nice and sometimes they leave their smell on the mats - ewww. By the way, if you are ever looking for a Pilates mat, they are in the last isle you would think of looking in. We picked out a nice purple mat (it was on sale). To celebrate the success of my purchase we stopped and got donuts. Powered sugar ones. Did you ever drop a powdered sugar donut in your car? Powdered sugar gets all over EVERYTHING. So, the next time I went to my Pilates class, I sat next to a serious Pilates student with her fancy Pilates gear on. I sat proud on my purple mat that was sprinkled with powdered sugar, wearing my baggy clothes and thought at least I don't smell like nor look like a man : )


:)De said...

You didn't walk in there with a powdered-sugar mustache did you?!? LOL!


Anonymous said...

You're hysterical...fp

Life Adapted said...

:)De, it was a very feminine mustache!

Thanks FP, do you want to join me at the next class, you can come as my guest?

Be blessed dear ones!

Anonymous said...

When do you go to your class? fp

Life Adapted said...

Tuesday mornings 9:15 :)

Anonymous said...

My Tuesday morning Bible study just ended! Now wouldn't that be an interesting way to start the day, lol!