Monday, July 11, 2011

More Stupid Things

. . . After my workout and a few unnecessary comments under my breath about bug spray not keeping away all types of pests, I headed home to shower. But not before a gal at the gym offered to make a sample shake for folks to try. They use fresh fruits, vitamins and protein powder. She asked me what kind to make. I said, "How about the Pina Colada?" After she made the shake, she offered me a sample. I said, "Oh, no thanks, I'm allergic to pineapple." Stupid, right? Then I headed out to meet some friends. One friend is the mother of two 7 year old girls. One girl is rather dramatic. My friend shared that her daughter says to her, "Mom, you're ruining my life." My friend asked, with great concern, looking for pearls of wisdom from the "mature" mother of 3, "What do I say to her when she says that to me?" Stupidly I replied, "Tell her she ain't seen nothing yet!" Not very helpful on my part, in fact, a stupid and useless comment. After a moment of thoughtful consideration, my friend, the dear gal that she is, burst out laughing. She takes me so seriously and values everything I say. She thinks I have it all together. Poor thing. . . I just pray that my stupidity never outweighs my ability to laugh at myself.

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