Friday, July 22, 2011

Working 9 to 5, Not

I have worked for my husband at our home law office for 23 years. It's been the absolute best situation I could have ever dreamed of. When the kids were little I hired a sweet old lady (may she rest in peace) to come to our house to watch the kids while I worked in the office. I took frequent breaks, ate lunch with my children and was there for every major (and minor) scrape and scrap. I was so efficient that when them new fangled computers came out, we streamlined the office work to a minimal. I was able to homeschool the kids and run the office in record time. We deemed my husband the Dean of our little Academy of Academic Excellence and as such, he came to all homeshcool trips and ceremonies. He even got to drive the van! How blessed was I? But, times are a changing. Work is slow, the kids are older, the dryer died, the van needs upgrading, college/private schools are expensive... so I told my husband, "I'm getting a job." He said, "You have a job, I still need you (awww) and there are too many people living here right now. I can't cook for them. I couldn't do what you do. Don't leave me," (literary license). So, I began to pray about it. I asked God to provide me with the absolute best situation I could dream of. I said, "God, I need a job. It has to be something fun, something that would not interfere with the raising of my teens or working for my husband, and something using my specific gifts and talents." God said, "Is that all?" I said, "No, I want lots of money, too." God said, "Don't push it." I said, "Fine..." (Is it a sin to roll your eyes at God?) be continued...


:)De said...


Parsley said...

To be continued? {me rolling eyes} 8-)Post again soon my friend!

Robin said...

Hi LA - I know I've been away from blogger for quite some time... I stop in every now and then with a new quote for my quote blog - life has been really busy since the youngest joined us. She is a riot and a half and I'm so glad she is part of our family.

Robin said...

My last reply was a reply to a comment you left some months back on my blog that I just found today.

Now on to your blog post - I love it! I've missed reading about your life. Your desires sound like mine... hope to read the continued saga...

Life Adapted said...

Robin, So great to hear from you. Little ones sure do require lots of attention. Be blessed in your life. Love and miss you.