Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Cell

Do you know why we call cell phones cell phones? It's because having a cell phone is like carrying around your own personal prison cell. You can't ever escape the bounds of those who want to know where you are and what you are doing. And it's not bad enough that people can call you, they can also text you. "Y didnt u pick up when i called? lol" Seriously? I text back, "What's so funny? Y r u always lol?" And do you know what? People answer me with, "lol!" only this time with an exclamation point! Give me a little solitary confinement please. Lock me in my room with no communication devices for a week. Talk to me through the door. Or better yet, write me a letter. Wouldn't it be nice to get an old fashioned letter in the mail instead of just bills or an advertisement? Don't get me wrong. I love technology as much as the next guy, I just think we go too far with it. I don't think we ever get enough time to be alone with our own thoughts. I would make this post longer, but the warden is calling . . . I mean, the cell phone is ringing . . .


:)De said...

I worked for 14 years as an 24 hour on-call crises interventionist. I carried a beeper (back in the day when cell phones were still car phones, ha ha ha) and then later we had cell phones that we all called "electronic leashes".

When I lost that job, I had a wonderfull ritual of taking the cell phone apart, turning it in with the hopes of never having to use one again. Then I got kids and my parents convinced me that I HAD to have one for emergencies.

If I had an emergency today, I would have to call the cell phone with the house phone to even find the silly thing! oh...and hope that it is still charged so that it will ring. ~Smile~

Life Adapted said...

Hahaha - or should I say "lol" My Aunts think lol means "lots of love" so they use it as a closing. No one has the heart to tell them what it really means.

Have a wonderful day, :)De!

Blessings to you and yours.

R.M. Jackson said...

I sometimes ignore BOTH the cell phone and the house phone. My heart can't take it! Seriously.

I had one person give me long sermon because I had not picked up (I don't have, nor do I want caller ID... because then I'd be accused of actually KNOWING who was calling). She ended with... "You need to answer your phone. It could be serious! I could have died! Ummmm...

Life Adapted said...

Ruth, I love, love, love that new picture.

I'm glad to know there are kindred spirits out there, agreeing with me on these topics. Btw, I know technology has come a long way, but I never knew a dead person could make a call ;)

Be blessed!

R.M. Jackson said...

Glad you like it. :D

The whole thing will get stranger when I tell you that her husband drives, I don't... they live very near to the hospital, I don't... and my number is not even close to 119 (JA version of 911).

It was hard... but I did wait quietly until she got to the reason for the call. ;)

Indian Lake Papa said...

Hi - we use our cell very limited. It has not rang in at least 3 days. Does it have to be powered up to ring? It amazes me that I can be in Walmart and they can find me there - how does it know I am there?

We get very few phone calls - that I am thankful for. By the way, when you coming to visit??

Life Adapted said...

Ruth, you're a good gal...I don't know if I would have been as patient.

Papa, you're not fooling me - you are Mr. Popular. I think your phone rings off the hook. I wish we could drop everything and come and fact, nothing would please me more at this moment. But, until we can see you, behave.

Love you both!