Monday, July 18, 2011

Reap What You Sow

You reap what you sow. Who can argue with that? One red pepper and two feeble tomatoes is what I have sown from my community garden plot. I have gone to water the plot three times...hmmmm...and produced three fruit. Not much effort, not much harvest.

However, my black-eyed susan's, porch peppers, basil and petunia's are doing well, don't you think?

I step out my front door and water my plants and they respond by growing well.

The problem, as I see it, is that we sow well when the sowing is convenient or "fun". Raising babies was fun, ... teenagers... not so much. But, I must "tend" to raising them as I would anything else that I want to reap a harvest from. I did not expect to reap a huge harvest of tomatoes from two feeble plants that I only watered three times. (I'm sure my kids would be thrilled to know I am comparing them to tomatoes, but that's how my brain works.) Tending to teenagers is a full-time job. Just feeding them dinner is a challenge. The story of Jesus feeding 5,000+ is only amazing to me because Jesus still had energy to feed the souls of His people after feeding their stomachs. After food shopping, cooking and cleaning, I don't have much energy left. I have a friend who is very sick, so her teenage daughter moved in with us. That makes 3 teenagers and 3 adults to feed and tend to. Every night of the week someone invites someone for dinner. Two nights last week we had 9 for dinner and one night we had 30 (the baseball team). I'm not complaining, in fact, I love having people here. That's the part of sowing I don't mind. It's the deeper stuff that gets me tangled up, the feeding of souls. I want to produce a garden with a huge harvest. Pray for me, that the raising of those in my home will be more "fun" and thus easier to tend to. I wish my kids were like my basil, when I want it to continue to grow and produce a bigger harvest, I just pinch off their heads...


Indian Lake Papa said...

I am trying something new - I plan to dry my red peppers and grind them up for a seasoning!

Anonymous said...

If only it were as easy as pinching heads! lol Actually, I think we'd become pretty prideful if it was that easy. Teenagers do keep us humble before the Lord, don't they? And for that we can be thankful. Something (maybe the Holy Spirit?) tells me that I needed to hear that today...thank you. God continues to use you in my life. Be blessed! By the way, as I type this my view is of the Gulf of Mexico! Hubbie is taking a short nap--we rented a kayak for 1/2 the day today, swam, & went for lunch. Next on the agenda is shopping (he promised!). Loving our vacation & time alone w/each other...fp

Life Adapted said...

Papa, my mother does just what you are going to do. My brother sends her red peppers from his garden and she dries them and uses them all year round. They are good and spicy!

Be blessed!

Life Adapted said...

FP, when I was a teenager my mother said, "I won't say that I hope your kids are as bad as you because I wouldn't wish you on anyone!" And just look at me now :)

Enjoy the rest of your trip. May God bless you and your dear hubbie.