Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Decision Well Made

"Why aren't you blogging?" many folks asked. My answer has been, "I'm too busy." That's not entirely true. The real reason is that I was not in a great place. Lord knows I like to embellish the truth, or tell the truth in a funny way. I write the truth as I see it, through my lense, which is usually silly (y'all know I can't make this stuff up, right?). It was hard for me to write this summer because we had some heavy things on our minds. I know my friends love me during every season, but they enjoy me more during the good seasons and I like to be a joy to others. So, I didn't write because I wasn't seeing the joy or the silliness. We had decisions to make regarding the boy's final year of high school. He had a great year at the military school and they wanted him back (they offered him scholarships and leadership positions). But the bottom line was he didn't want to be away from home. What was best? Do we send him somewhere we know he'll succeed but would be unhappy OR do we let him stay here and hope and pray he makes good choices? Clean, quiet, empty room at the end of the hall OR messy, noisy, occupied room at the end of the hall? Life up OR life up-side-down? Well, I'd tell you about it, but the boy wants to know if I made his lunch yet, if his pants are dry and if I can pick him up after baseball practice tomorrow. Decision well made.


:)De said...

You know that I love you whatever season you are in and you bring joy simply because you are created in His image!


Indian Lake Papa said...

Love the boy. He will always be your boy. Today was a hard day for Judy's mom - she is 93 and her son (Judy's brother) is fighting a losing battle with a brain tumor. Yesterday was fine - exciting! But today he had a stroke. He is doing "okay" but has some issues now. Mom took that very hard, its her youngest.

LA - love the boy. Trust your mother instincts - Both you will sort through that, communicate the best you can.

Life Adapted said...

:)De, thank you dear friend, you are the best friend I never met ;)

Papa, we are praying for Mama's family. We are so sorry. Thank you for the advice - communication is the key and I need to be reminded of that every now and again.