Friday, February 10, 2012


I think it is so funny that the youth of our society think they are smarter than the adults because they have mastered a lesser form of communication. Texting is not a higher form of communication that eludes adults, rather, it is a lesser form that we choose not to waste our precious time mastering. It's like mastering kindergarten when you are 52 years old. Why bother? I like my superior communication skills. I like that I know how to express myself in words and not symbols or emoticons. I think our youth would be better served learning how to spell than how to abbreviate. My son told me I was a weird texter and below is the response I sent to him, to which he replied, "that made no sense, but okay mom"
To son: "Just because our society has raised a bunch of non-communicative teenagers who think all emotions need to be or can be expressed with cute emoticons, does not mean I am a weird texter. I try to express myself using syllable accents as if I were actually conversing with someone. On the contrary, simply by saying I am a weird texter, you are showing your lack of proper social skills by saying whatever comes into your wittle head." (For those of you who have not mastered abbreviations, my title is "Oh My Gosh, Between You And Me, Kids Are So Dumb.)


:)De said...

Very funny. Yeah....I like all of my words.

Indian Lake Papa said...

LOL !!

Kathryn said...

Oh, my, gosh, I SO wish we could know each other and be friends in "the real world"! Because you are SO FUNNY!! You just must be so much fun to hang out with! :-)

Life Adapted said...

:)De, I like all your words too!

Kathryn, anytime you're in New Jersey, let me know! I love to hang out with my blogger friends! We have to keep laughing - it beats crying.

Be blessed dear ones.

Anonymous said...


Yes, TBH, she is a lot of fun to hang out with. I feel privileged to get to do that with her once in a while.

I wanted to say something but NVM. Laughter is more fun and IDK how to laugh as well as "Life Adapted". I'm working on it.

TBH- to be honest
NVM - nevermind
IDK - i don't know (PS: I'm a teacher and would you believe I got this IDK abbreviation as an answer on a test the other day?) KASD


Life Adapted said...

J, u r so clever. lol

We must hang out more often. You laugh as well as I do : )

Be blessed!