Thursday, January 26, 2012

You Gotta' Make It Hurt

I held a book club with the women I work with. These dear women are so fun. The book was Tuck Everlasting. It's about a family that accidentally drinks from a spring that gives everlasting life. You may think this is a blessing, especially if you are 17 year old Jesse. However, is it a blessing for Mae and Tuck? Read the book and find out : ) Anyway, our talk of 17 year old Jesse led to a discussion about my son. We talked about 17 year old boys being impulsive and living in the moment, anything beyond 30 seconds in the future is out of their grasp. "Ma, can I ski off the roof with my snow board?", he'd ask. Imagine if he could live forever what he would do! Is it any wonder my hair is grey?! My son bought a car, a red mustang, V8, 5 speed, and has been working on it for 5 months. He's been itching to drive it on his own. He got his license on a Thursday. On Friday, less than 24 hours later, my husband and I took his license away. Yes, we are the meanest parents alive. I told the women, "You gotta' make it hurt. They don't learn otherwise." They agreed. So, when I suspended his cell phone service today, I told the customer service operator, "You gotta' make it hurt." He agreed. Like Mae Tuck, I could live forever happily, but parenting forever . . . now that would hurt.


Indian Lake Papa said...

Oh do I remember the days !! Remind me the next time we see each other to tell you when I grounded my son & his girl friend. That was over 20 years ago! She Still reminds me I grounded her! She is on my facebook page.

Life Adapted said...

Wow! I can do that, ground my sons friends too?!! Good to know... let's see, where do I start? Lest you think my son is a rotten kid, he's not, he just needs help keeping on the straight and narrow.

See you in March?

Indian Lake Papa said...

Hope we can get together in March! Hope our calendars don't clash LA! Gotta keep those kids in line. Thank goodness I behave well.

Robin said...

Hi LA...just wanted to stop in and say hello...I haven't been reading blogs these days, but I did just read your most recent post. Sounds like I have competition for the world's meanest mom ;) I occasionally post on my Reading Room blog and more regularly on the Scripture and Quotes blogs. Hope you are doing well. I still think of you often and appreciate you and your prayers.