Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Soccer Series - Part II


The first year of soccer for daughter number 2 was not as successful as daughter number 1. No. 1 loved running after the ball and kicking it. No. 2 loved running after the ball and letting someone else kick it. My husband was No. 2's coach and he and every mom of every child on that team tried to get her to kick the ball. I was seldom able to come to games as daughter No. 2 played on a different team. So, I showed up at one of the games in it's 3rd quarter and No. 2, I was told, did not kick the ball once. The other soccer mom's were all so sweet and tried to encourage her. My husband tried everything. So, I went over to my daughter and whispered in her ear. The other soccer mom's were sympathetic, but unconvinced I would be able to get my daughter to kick the ball. The whistle blew and the kids went running out onto the field. My daughter, smiling at me, ran out onto the field, too. She ran right over and kicked that ball. It doesn't matter where the ball went, it was the fact that she kicked it. The team went wild, the soccer mom's were jumping up and down and screaming. It was so exciting. And then, my daughter kicked the ball again and again and again. Now all the soccer mom's wanted to know what pearls of wisdom I whispered to my daughter to get her to kick that ball. I said proudly, "I told her every time she kicked the ball she'd get a quarter. 4 kicks and I'd take her to the Dollar Store." So, every time she kicked the ball one soccer mom jumped up and yelled, "Ca-ching!!"


:)De said...

Funny! How are you? Once again I am happy to see one of these stories unfolding.


R.M. Jackson said...

LOL! I would have done the same thing... but in JA, we say "CHI-ching!"

#2 must have made mincemeat out of your pockets... how long did you actually keep that up?

Robin said...

Just wanted to stop in and say hello... I'm really tired now so I will come back to read all the blog entries that I've missed later, but didn't want you to give up on me. I think of you often.

I'm having so much fun with my little angel... can't believe she will be 4 months old next week. Time is flying...

Life Adapted said...

Thanks :)De - I'm curious to see where I go with this one . . .

Ruth, my northeastern New Jersey accent comes out with Ca-ching - I didn't even realize it. My kids make fun of me all the time because of it. I guess I'm just a city girl living in the burbs. . .

Hi Robin!!! It's so good to hear from you. Kiss that little angel for me. Glad you were able to stop by. We'll have to catch up with each other when things settle down. Be blessed.

Robin said...

Consider her kissed :) I'm constantly giving her hugs and kisses and playing with her. She brightens my morning when I go to check on her and she opens her eyes and sees me and gets a huge smile on her face :)

Life Adapted said...

My babies always woke up happy, too! Sometimes with full dirty diapers, but always with big smiles on their faces. It's different with teens. . .

Be blessed.

Robin said...

Nothing better than a happy smiling baby :)

Hope you are doing well - guess you can tell I haven't been checking blogs or writing blogs too much... living has gotten in the way so to speak. I will post and read more some time... just not sure when.

I wanted to let you know I think of you and appreciate you still!