Monday, June 21, 2010

Hold My Hand

The kidney stones passed, the allergic reaction passed, the secondary infection is getting better, but this too shall pass. The day is ending and I think about all the things that are going on in my life, but all this too shall pass. And it's good to let these things pass, to let the anger and annoyance and impatience to pass. When my kids were little I used to hold their hand when I had to tell them something I knew they wouldn't want to hear. I'd say, "Hold my hand because it's hard to be mad at someone when you're holding hands with them." You know, they always let me hold their hand, even though they knew it meant I would be telling them something unpleasant. Well, right now, God has got my hand. And no matter what He's got to say, I'll keep holding His hand because I know I am safe. I would rather hold His hand and hear something unpleasant than to have my way and an empty hand. Wherever God leads, I'm following. I may not always like it, but I know it's way better to be in His hand than any other place on or off the planet. When He said, "Take my hand because I've got something to say," I knew in my heart it might be unpleasant, but I never hesitated and I'm not letting go . . .


Indian Lake Papa said...

Just want you to know mama and papa are praying for you - if I could, I would help hold your hand. Always remember God loves you - regardless wherever life goes.

Parsley said...

So glad to hear you are healing and feeling better.

Having your child hold your hand during a refreshing that would be. I think my daughter thinks my flesh would burn hers!

Life Adapted said...

Papa, thank you . . . and Mama too. I feel the love and that helps more than you know.
Be ever so blessed.

Life Adapted said...

Parsley, you are too funny. You just may be surprised at how much your daughter would appreciate a little hand holding : ) Grab an ice pack first, though, just in case.

Be ever so blessed.