Monday, July 12, 2010

A New York Minute, Part III

. . . Just like in one of those artsy filming scenes, time seemed to freeze for a second for me. Everyone else was buzzing to and fro and I was stuck in the moment, truly present for the first time that day. I stopped my husband and daughter,"I'll be right back," I told them. I walked up to the homeless man and said, "I can't give you any money, but if you're hungry I can feed you?" He nodded. I went and got the personal pizza - personal now in the sense that it matter greatly to me - and I handed the box to the man. He looked up at me and nodded a thank you. "Can I pray over your meal?" I heard myself ask. He nodded again. For the third time that day I would address God, and for the second time that day I would kneel down in New York City in my white Capri's. Only this time I would kneel on the dirty pavement and my words were not focused on me. I prayed words that came from the Holy Spirit, personal things that I would never say to a stranger, bold things that I asked in faith and in love. In my position kneeling on the ground, this man who was sitting on a duffel bag, was above me. I was reminded of this verse in Philippians, ". . . in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interests of others." 2:3b-4. In a New York Minute my attention, my interests and my focus was changed. In a New York minute a homeless man ministered to me by the power of the Word of God. In a New York minute I went from panic to praise. You gotta' love New York! And you gotta' love God!


Parsley said...

Precious...just precious how God moves.

Life Adapted said...

Thank you Parsley - Be blessed!