Monday, April 18, 2011


During a recent trip out to see our son play baseball (2 & 1/2 hours away), I had an epiphany. (As a side note, my son's roommate said my cookies are 4 million times better than the school's cookies. However, the last time I was there he said the school's cookies are crap. Then, is the first statement actually a compliment?) I was thinking about how women allegedly speak twice as many words per day as men speak. I was thinking it's probably true, but only because men listen to only about half of what women say. So, I say to my husband, as he is driving, "You know, men are stupid. If they listened more intently to what a woman says, the woman wouldn't have to say so much." There was no comment from my husband, so I said, "What do you think about that?" To which he replied, "Think about what?" To which I replied, "About what I just said." To which he replied, "Uh, what did you say? I didn't hear anything after, 'men are stupid' and I didn't think that needed a reply." To which I replied, "My point exactly!" To which he replied, "Huh?" To which I replied, "Case closed!"


Parsley said...

I think this is perhaps more true than people think...women use more words than men. dear husband will talk more to his guy friend over guy stuff in one evening than he talks to me in a week.

Perhaps we need to learn to speak their language for them to start listening to ours. ha

Life Adapted said...

Maybe your husband uses up all his alotted words when he's with his guy friend and there are just no words left? Also, if men said more to women there would be less of an opportunity for us to speak, hence, we would use less words...or not :)

Be blessed dear one!

Anonymous said...

I am crushed...your husband does this too??? I always thought surely not him!!! lol fp

Life Adapted said... his defense, I wouldn't listen to everything I said either. In fact, it's probably better that he doesn't hear 1/2 of what I say :)

Love you!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Thats why I check this blog about every two weeks - rather than "listen intently" every day. Heh Heh I can sort through the words and pick out the good ones - very quickly.

Life Adapted said...

Papa, you mean you don't sit at your computer every day waiting for me to post? Now, I'm crushed!

Be blessed!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Heh Heh! Post away - I am sitting here waiting!!

Anonymous said...

Your husband could be in one of those commercials...a la "honey, does this outfit make me look fat". He always knows when to purposely keep quiet...and he should be commended for his good sportsmanship.
Sorry dear friend, I agree with him on this one. He rightfully tuned out after the word "stupid".... but you know, I'm a true admirer of both of you!