Thursday, February 21, 2008

Boys Will Be . . .er . . .Stupid

13 year old boys are. . .uh. . .let's say. . .stupid! Really, what happens to the sweet little, sweet smelling, sweet disposition of boys when they hit their teen years. I know there are glands and hormones out of control, but I want to know what happens to their common sense (if common sense were actually common, it would be). Besides the interesting odors that waft off (and stick to) their feet and hair and body, their adoring nature becomes disrupted. When my son was a little guy he bought me a pearl necklace (from the dollar store) and told me I could wear it when he and I got married. Today, if he bought me a pearl necklace I'd think he wanted to choke me with it. So last week he and a friend were outside, supposedly playing with the dog, and they came in soaking wet. It turns out they dumped soap bubbles (the ones we use to torture the dog - that's for another blog) on each other. As they were dripping wet in my kitchen they asked if I'd drop them off at the local pool hall for a quick game. Okay, so I can't trust you in the back yard with soap bubbles, so yeah, I'll just drop you off at the pool hall, unattended, with pool cues! They actually argued with me . . . it's lucky for my son that he really is a cutie and aside from the smells and stupidity . . . he's just like his dad.

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