Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Little Nerd Story

Many years ago my husband and I were invited to a Halloween Party. We decided to go as nerds. So, we went to a thrift shop at one of the local churches to buy outfits. I picked out a lovely polyester pants suite, old eye glasses and a bright red purse. My husband picked out polyester pants, a polyester shirt, a pocket protector, old glasses, a chunky belt and black shoes. We played the "nerds" all night. In my bright red purse I had big, yellow rubber gloves and using them I picked up discarded food scraps. I placed each food scrap in my purse and later that evening set a table for my husband and myself. I set out the food scraps and we ate them. My husband played his part a little too well, if you catch my drift. He buttoned his shirt wrong, left his zipper down, tucked his shirt into his underwear, wore white socks with his black shoes and flood-water pants, taped his glasses and wore the pocket protector (all things he has done at one time or another - sorry Honey, just sayin'). We won the costume contest, unanimously. But here is the best part. When we were at the thrift shop getting our costumes my husband came over to me and said very excitedly while holding up some ties, "Look at these really cool ties I just bought! They were only a dollar each. Aren't they really nice??!!" "Sweetie," I said flatly, "those are the ties I donated here last month that I pulled out of your closet. Give them back." Which he did . . . under protest . . . just sayin' . . .


Parsley said...

I wanna come to your parties!

Life Adapted said...

Okay, the next one I have you will be invited - it would be awesome to meet you. Do you ever come to New Jersey??

:)De said...

My friend....that pant suit is something really... I mean it...something else!


Life Adapted said...

:)De, if you'd like to have it, I may be able to find it?? LOL