Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What I Did During The Snow Storm

First I took out my sewing machine and made cell phone cases. I lined each one with a thick batting to protect them. Sometimes I am so clever that I even surprise myself.

Then I went outside with my family and made Mario, the Italiano snowman. Notice his mustache and his gupalini. Again, I surprise and amuse myself.

Then I finished crocheting this baby blanket for a dear, dear couple who are expecting their first child this month. Every time I sat down to crochet I prayed over this baby and the dear couple. I began by praying for the fetal development of the baby and continued praying through all the years of this child's life. What an honor for me to pray for this little life and the family and friends who will be touched by it. The center represents the child's small and humble beginnings and the outer edges represents a life well lived, finishing strong.

Finally, the sun came out and shined into my kitchen catching the bottom of a CD, casting this beautiful rainbow along the corner of the wall.
Again, I ask you folks, how great is our God?
Today, it's back to the grind. . .


Shanti said...

Yay for productivity! And the rainbow on the wall is gorgeous!

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Shanti!

Indian Lake Papa said...

God loves to let us know He is there - we just need to look for Him.