Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday First Born

My daughter came home last weekend and saw the boy across the street who she used to babysit for and who is now in the 4th grade. She turned to me and said, "Wow, look how big he is. I'm OLD!" Sheesh! She's old?! Imagine how I feel when I see her? I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her. In those days, you went to the doctor to get such news (on a horse and buggy). I remember exactly how I told my husband, her father; it was one of the happiest days of our lives. I remember the first time I felt her move inside of me. I remember falling in love with her. I remember her first breath, her first cry, her first tooth, her first steps, her first birthday, her first word (it was "Boz", our cat. By the way, don't most kids say Ma or Da first?), her first lie (I told her if she was lying her tongue would turn blue. She ran to the mirror and looked at her tongue and said, "It doesn't work, my tongue's not blue!" I told her only mother's could see and she said, "If you're lying Mommy, will your tongue turn blue?" I knew then I was in trouble.), her first day of school, her first day of summer vacation, her first friend, her first art contest (First Prize - yippee) and so on. So, it's only natural that I want to be the first to wish her a happy twenty-first birthday. Happy Birthday Honey! I love you, I have loved you the longest because you are my first born.

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