Saturday, June 14, 2008

Benny - Part IV - The End

One day we noticed that Benny had a tumor on his chest, the next day we found one on his back and the next day we found one on his stomach. We realized that Benny was "not long for this world." Benny was such a good little hamster, always entertaining us with his antics, especially the whole standing on his stumps to spin his exercise wheel with his front paws. We'd be so pleased with him and he knew it, too, because he'd look at us and smile. His tumors were getting bigger and bigger each day. One day, my oldest daughter received a gift in the mail from a friend of hers. The box it came in was so pretty. It was pink and it was just a tiny bit bigger than a hamster. Hmmmm. I took the box and put it right next to Benny's cage. My husband saw it there on Monday. On Thursday, it dawned on him why it was there. He said, "You can't leave that box next to the cage there for Benny to see, it's like bringing a coffin into a sick man's room!!" "Honey, he's a hamster (!!!), he has a brain the size of a poppy seed!" The next day, Benny was gone and I put him in the pink box that sat "hidden" under a towel. He lived a much longer life than anyone expected and taught us much more than we ever thought a little brained creature could. The End.


:)De said...

What a well told story! Not to sound too quirky, but it just makes me think about life and the fact that we live as if things happen, but we know that everything that happens is in the hands of God. Our experiences can teach us so much, but mostly just knowing the power of our Creator. Did Benny get replaced at some point?

Life Adapted said...

Thanks so much for your words. It's true what you say, each experience teaches us something, something that God has planned just for us. Resting and trusting in His power is the best we can do. We never did replace Benny in kind - we raised butterflies, African Water Frogs, a guinnea pig, fish, cats (7) and a dog for the Seeing Eye. We're down to 2 cats and 2 fish. I'd like to count the 3 kids as animals, but that's just not cool. Be blessed!

Robin said...

Great story! I feel like Benny was my hampster... You tell stories so well!

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Robin, I'm so pleased to be able to retell this story and to entertain others as I do. Really, I appreciate you reading along. Happy Father's Day to your hubby! My brother is back in the hospital, in a great deal of pain and the doctors are unable to identify the problem - he's a great guy and he is really suffering - please pray for him, his name is Chet. Be blessed.

Robin said...

I'm praying for Chet. Can you also pray for Judy and Dixie - two wonderful Christian ladies who are both in tremendous pain and doctor's can't figure out why either. Dixie is in the hospital and Judy is home.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Lifes lessons are everywhere if we are willing to look for them.

Life Adapted said...

Robin, I have already prayed for Judy and Dixie, and I will continue to do so. Pain is so distracting - and exhausting. There seem to be so many needs today, but I am trusting that God has it all under control. Keep me posted on your friends.

Papa, yes, and some lessons are harder to learn than others. Thankfully, God is merciful!

Be blessed.

Robin said...

Thanks for your prayers for Judy and Dixie. I can remember your brother because I have an Uncle Chet.