Thursday, June 5, 2008

Never Pfft At A Prayer Request

With so many bloggers posting about prayer I thought I'd post this story.

The morning of October 23rd, 2002 I was at a ladies Bible study, my 7 year old son was in the other room with other homeschooled kids. We were taking prayer requests near the end and someone asked for prayer for safety for her trip that weekend to Virginia to visit her sick mother. She was concerned about the sniper who was shooting and killing people driving along the highway. Then, a dear older woman asked that we pray for the sniper, too. "Pfft....." I thought. On the way home my son asked me what a sniper was. I told him. He said, "Pfft, why should we pray for him??" My heart felt sick because my reaction, that of a mature Christian woman, matched the reaction of a 7 year old! I explained that God loves the sniper even though he does not love what the sniper is doing and that Satan must have a hold on his heart. I asked him if he'd pray with me and of course he said yes. This is the prayer we prayed as I remember it.

"Lord, God, Heavenly Father, please help this man to see the error of his ways and come to You. Stop him from hurting anyone else. Put Satan to sleep in his life long enough for You to do Your work. This we pray in Your Holy Name. Amen."

On Friday morning, October 25th, the headlines in the local newspaper read,

"Sniper Captured While Asleep At The Wheel"

Imagine our reaction................


Robin said...

That was a scary time - I was pregnant with my son then and remember thinking that I would be a "special" target because I would have been a two for one hit. The only jacket I had at the time was red, but I didn't want to stop living or live in fear just because of the sniper. One day we went to story hour with my two year old daughter and no-one was there but us and the librarian and I decided that mom's were afraid to come out because of the sniper!

I'm glad you took the time to pray for them! Powerful prayer!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Sometimes we "blow off" a prayer request - we should not - our Heavenly Father wants to hear from us!

Life Adapted said...

Robin, We felt scared even though we were five hours north of there. My son says he'll never forget that time because of how God specifically answered that prayer. What an impression that has made on his life.

How are you feeling with this pregnancy? Any morning sickness? I am praying you are great!

Papa, I know it's true that God wants to hear from us. I feel like God used the Holy Spirit to give me words to pray that day so that my son would always remember it. Be blessed.

Robin said...

I'm feeling terrific! I got some wonderful news today - they did a non-invasive first trimester screen for three chromosomal abnormalities and lowered my risk factors to the same as for a twenty year old! I told them that I had ZERO interest in any invasive tests like amnios, etc at my first appointment. She told me today that there is no reason to even recommend that now! Praise the Lord!

Life Adapted said...

Hey Robin, I'm Praising God right along side of you!! Keep feeling great!!

Robin said...

Thanks and I LOVE your picture of the snowflake - happy thoughts!

Life Adapted said...

Thanks, but I can't take credit for the picture. My son took that, with a camera that he bought himself with money that he won winning a photo contest (with my old camera). He captured that snowflake on a black piece of construction paper and used his zoom, very quickly, to get that shot. He took all the pictures that are posted on my blog page.

We could use a couple of snowflakes today ;)