Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Found My Core

Okay, so I found my core. You want to know how I know? - it's because it's killing me. It hurts when I stand, it hurts when I sit, it hurts when I lay down, it hurts when I drive, it hurts when I laugh and it really hurts when I sneeze. The only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm eating. Go figure.

Note to self: 1 session a day is a good start.


Robin said...

You are too funny!

:)De said...

I am so glad those "notes to self" hold such flexability. LOL!


Life Adapted said...

See, :)De, that's why I'm Life Adapted.. . .

Be blessed

Tea with Tiffany said...

Cute! It's funny how our body talks when we least expect it!

Thank you for your words on my recent blog post! Appreciate your support and your words of love and "grace."

Indian Lake Papa said...

glad you are adapting Life Adapted. You won't believe this, but its true - for 'word verification' on your blog I had to type in "foodia " thats your problem w/your core, a touch of foodia !

Life Adapted said...

Tiffany, thanks for stopping by my blog. It's really great to meet new folks through blogging - we certainly cut right to the core of a person (no pun intended) because we are sharing personal stories; shamefull, hurtfull, happy, joyfull stories, you name it - we share it. Be at peace.

Papa, you always make me laugh - thanks for the humor, it's really the best remedy for what ails us! Got to get to the store to go foodia shopping. Bye