Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Invisible My Foot

There are these beautiful emails circulating about the "Invisible Mother." They are very well put and are very emotional. We (Moms) are compared to the great cathedrals of Europe, how the builders themselves never got to see the completed structure in all its beauty. Moms are just invisible beings, building the lives of their children into beautiful structures and God sees all we do, even if the children don't. . . .ho-hummmmmmmmmmmm

Here is my little rant. Children who think their moms are just invisible beings with hands and feet that own a mini-van are severely mistaken. As in all things there needs to be balance and boundaries. I don't want my children going around saying things like, "My mom works day and night for my family!" However, a simple thank you and recognition once in a while is not only appreciated, it's expected. Invisible Moms are creating an "entitlement generation." I do not want my children thinking all the work done on their behalf is without effort and that they are entitled to it. And I know that my reward is really in Heaven and all the things I do, I do to honor God. But I am not invisible. (Let's face it, it would be really hard to make a woman who is almost 5'7" and over 150 pounds, with loud-mouth Polish and Italian ancestry invisible, but now I digress.) I want my children to know that I love them enough to climb the highest mountain for them and cross the widest river for them, but I draw the line at their bedrooms, they've got to clean them themselves! And even if my children don't thank me someday, I know their spouses will. . . .


Robin said...

Preach it sister!

:)De said...

Well said. I tell my lovelies that the rooms they live in are really my rooms, that they are temporarily renting, and that they must keep my property clean to my standard. LOL!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Life Adapted said...

Happy Thanksgiving dear ones! Be so very blessed today.

Robin said...

De - I love your philosophy! I need to adopt it!

Happy Thanksgiving LA adn De :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

Not a mom, but a dad. I have had my son-in-law say: "thanks dad!" meant a lot.