Sunday, November 2, 2008

Core What?

I have a problem with my new work out videos. First, the guy on the tape tells me that I can look like the model - I got news for him, no matter what I do I will never look like a tall, skinny, black girl with perky boobs. Not happening. Second, he tells me to use my core - I think my core is made out of jello, either that or it was surgically removed when I had my last C-section 14 years ago. Third, my exercise bands are too short - they don't reach over my head, in fact, they barely reach my shoulders. Forth, he shows a modified version of the exercises for people who can't do the version the models are doing, but what if you can't do the modified version?? Fifth, I understand that you need to work out the major muscle groups, but he's got us working out muscles I didn't know I had. I figure if I haven't used these muscles for my first 49 years of life, I won't need them for the next 49 years. And finally, the background music is irritating. But other than that, it's a fine program.

Note to self: 2 sessions a day is a good start.


Anonymous said...

I always thought I was excercising my "Core" when I said a prayer of thanks or praise during the day. That takes a lot less physical effort and the rewards last forever, unlike rock hard abs. So just tell that excercise instructor you've already excercised your "Core" today, thank you very much.....J

Robin said...

I hear you on the back ground music being irritating... I've even tried some Christian tapes and they are just as irritating. One had Scripture verses being said throughout and it just didn't work for me...

Maybe we should design one...

P.S. Pray for me - I feel horrible - can't talk, etc... upper respiratory stuff...

:)De said...

You crack me up! Looking like a tall, skinny, black girl with perky boobs sounds like a great motivator tho'. LOL!!!


Life Adapted said...

J, I like the way you think :)

Robin, let's do that, design an exercise video - we'd have people rolling on the floor (in laughter).
Am always praying for you. I wish I could come and make you some tea with lemon and honey . . . . . plenty of fluids and rest if you can.

Thanks :)De - I think I need a more realistic motivator ;)

Be Blessed