Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Laugh With Jesus

I love the story in the book of Matthew (14:22-33) where Peter first thinks Jesus is a ghost walking on the sea, then to be sure He is not, Peter orders Jesus to call him to walk on the water with him. Peter walks on the water and because of his fear he begins to sink. Freaked out, Peter cries out, "Lord, save me!"

This is how I picture the rest. Jesus shakes his head, smiling and with a twinkle in his eyes, reaches out his hand and says, "O you of little faith, you're such a knucklehead, why did you doubt?" Sometime later, Peter and Jesus and the guys are hanging out in between miracles. Jesus walks up behind Peter and says, "Boo!" The disciples start to crack up remembering how they thought Jesus was a ghost, Peter gets up and begins to chase after Jesus. They run around for a while, finally coming to a rest, out of breath. Jesus looks at Peter and smiles. They share a very personal moment, with their eyes locked, laughing and smiling . . . . . .

That's what it's all about. Spending time together, building memories, goofing around, poking fun at each other with laughter and joy. When was the last time you laughed with Jesus?


:)De said...

Just checking in to see how you are. How's Pop Pop?


Life Adapted said...

Pop-Pop will be here again on Monday. He's been sharing his time between here and the nursing home. He spends his time here wishing he could see his wife and then spends his time at the nursing home wishing he could be here. I have a solution, but no one is willing to make a change. . .it's frustrating. But, God is always good and there is always hope.

Thanks for caring, it means so much to me.

Be blessed.

Robin said...

I like your way of thinking. A personal Jesus - yeah I like it.

Kathy said...

Love this post...I clicked on your blog because we have the movie Corrina, Corrina in common. I see we have other things in common too. Kathy