Friday, September 18, 2009

Go Figure

After being out of the work force for 19 years because I raised my children and helped my husband run his home office, I've been thinking about rejoining the multitudes in the business world. The only problem is that my resume reads like a short story. I carefully and craftily worded all the things I have done as a mother and as a volunteer. I included the ways I have multi tasked all these years of raising children and homeschooling and leading clubs. I wrote about the many skills I have used in helping my husband with his office. I spoke about successfully being at all my children's events, recitals and award ceremonies. I spoke about the accomplishments of our household and how I now have 3 thriving teenagers. Then, I thoroughly searched the job market and compared my skills with the jobs available in today's society. It seems that I am extremely qualified to be a zoo keeper or a circus director. Go figure.


:)De said...

LOL! We are what we are, huh? LOL!

Indian Lake Papa said...

I love to go to the zoo or a circus! Will you be dressed up funny?

Life Adapted said...

Ha-ha :)De - if the shoe (or nose) fits. . .

Papa, that's how you'll know me when we meet, I'll be wearing my clown nose and wig :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

LOL ! I should be wearing a hat with "Indian Lake Papa" on it! Just a few days now!