Monday, September 14, 2009

Praise The Lord

Our pastor yesterday gave a sermon on Praising The Lord. He delivered a great sermon. I hate those people who "rate" the sermons. Good or bad the sermon is suppose to be led by the Holy Spirit and who are we to rate what He says? And mostly, the sermons we hate the most are the ones we usually need to hear the most. With that being said, every Sunday as we pull away from the church (sometimes even before) I ask my family, "So, what'd you think of the sermon today?" Not because I want them to "rate" it, but just because I want to know what affects the heart of my family. If anyone is squirming, I know the Holy Spirit was speaking to them. Anyway, Sunday's sermon was how important Praise is to God. According to our pastor, failing to praise God can get you eaten by worms (Acts 12:23). Well, I don't want to be eaten by worms and I always try to do what the pastor says. So, today I Praised God for: my husband, my children, my bed (it was early), the birds, the ceiling fan (hot flashes again), my breakfast, my computer, Parsley and :)De (who left me comments today), the dog, the flowers, the sun, the air, the clouds, my legs (for walking folks), garden tools, the shower, the grill, tea leaves, water and my vision. With all this Praising going on I barely had time to complain. Go figure . . .


Parsley said...

Wow! Thank you for praying for me today. I appreciate that SO MUCH.

I'll pray for you today too and praise the Lord for everything and everyone He's brought into my life.

:)De said...

Praise God for my computer, internet and friendship as you inspire me daily!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Praise The Lord ( PTL ) I usually weep when I think of all His blessings!