Saturday, April 3, 2010

Love Thy Neighbor

I had been thinking about how God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. It's not a suggestion and there is no qualifier like, "Love your neighbor if he is nice." So, as I was walking today I was thinking, "what can I do to show my neighbor that I love him?" I saw these beautiful Easter plants on the side of one of the neighbor's home. I thought, "I'll finish my walk, go home to get my gardening tools and come back and plant them for them." I was tickled as I walked my 2 miles and thought about it. I plotted the whole scene in my head. I knew exactly where I would plant each Easter Lily and each Tulip. I visualized the Sun's pattern across their property and their trees to figure out what spot would get the best sun/shade combination. I even vowed to go back to their house each week with my watering can and fertilizer to ensure the plants would thrive. You reap what you sow, right? What a blessing it would be for me to love my neighbor, to follow God's command. I could share all this with the ladies at my Bible study and be an inspiration, a shining example. I was smiling ear to ear . . . until . . . I walked back past my neighbor's house . . . the Easter plants were gone . . . they were loaded up in the back of their car . . . apparently they were Easter gifts . . . those rat finks!!


Shanti said...

oh no! well, good thing you didn't plant them! they probably wouldn't have appreciated it much. =) it's the thought that counts!

Life Adapted said...

Can you imagine explaining that to them? I hope you had a beautiful Easter. It was gorgeous in NJ!
Be blessed.