Sunday, May 16, 2010

War On Stink Bugs

You all know I am fighting the battle to make my home stink bug free. I have been flushing each and every one down the toilet. A friend of mine told me that Windex kills sting bugs. She said if you fill a cup with Windex and drop the sting bugs in the cup they die instantly. She keeps a cup of Windex on her counter, collects the sting bugs all day long and then flushes them at night. She says they don't smell when they die in the Windex. So, I put Windex (the WalMart version of Windex anyway) in a cup on my counter. When I saw my first sting bug of the day I was a little squeamish about dropping him in the cup, but I am in a war here and squeamish folks don't win wars. I dropped him in the blue liquid and returned to my daily tasks. Later, I saw my second stink bug of the day. I snatched him up, being careful not to crush him and went to the glass on my counter. Well, the first stink bug had crawled up the side of glass, very much not dead, and he looked ticked off! Those beady little eyes glaring at me, his body wet and blue from the fake Windex. That didn't kill him, in fact, I think it gave him some sort of super powers. He jumped off the glass to fly at me but his wings were wet so he fell on the counter. I grabbed him and flushed him and his little cohort down the toilet. Phew! That was a close one. The moral of the story. When fighting a battle, get tough and for Pete's sake, buy the real Windex.


Parsley said...

What about a cup of rubbing alcohol with a lid? Toss the little buggers in there, close the lid, let them drift off to a permanent sleep.

Life Adapted said...

Okay, on to Plan B. A good army knows when to switch strategies. I am saluting you, please release me.

Be blessed.