Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Simple Request

So, my son was lying on the floor, crying, unable to stand up and the only witness is a four year old. We were away on vacation and had just decided to stay another few days. It was obvious something was seriously wrong with my son's leg. The ER doctors, Dr. Frick and Dr. Frack, didn't have a clue - they were little boys themselves, I asked one of them if he was on solids yet. My husband and the girls were packing up our little cottage and making arrangements for someone to pick them up while I was at the hospital making arrangements for my baby to have surgery. Dr. Frick held my son while Dr. Frack put a crude body cast on him with a bar between his legs. I was not allowed in my son's line of vision because he wanted me to hold him - I could hear him calling out to me - I needed to pray but I had no words. I found the hospital Chapel, a small room with a kneeler and an old wicker flower basket. In the basket were scraps of used paper for prayer requests and a pencil. I picked up a request which read: "A mother is in need of prayer for her son." I bowed my head and prayed for this mother, I didn't know who she was, but I knew a mother's heart, a mother's pain felt for her son. I prayed with all my heart for this woman and her son, asking Jesus to take care of them like only He could. Then I left the Chapel and found Dr. Frick and Dr. Frack waiting for me. The cast was on and set, my son was sleeping and a nurse would help me pick him up, a room was ready for us for the night, the surgery was scheduled for the next day with a specialist, an ambulance was hired for transportation, and did I need anything from the coffee shop. Wow!! I left a chaotic scene and came back to a calm one. Just then a sweet old woman came up to me and hugged me. She told me that she, too, is a mother and that she hoped I didn't mind but she wrote out a simple request for me and left it in the Chapel. So, all those words I poured out for that mother and her son were words I prayed for us and Jesus answered. He took care of us like only He could.


:)De said...

Wow! That's neat and awesome.


:)De said...

Oh and BTW... I met Doctors Frick and Frack at a new baby exam for one of my littles... great pair aren't they. LOL

Life Adapted said...

You crack me up :)

Robin said...

How beautiful! As soon as you said you were praying for a mother and her son I thought that somehow you were praying for your own situation - so cool! Sometimes we don't know how to pray for ourselves in the middle of chaos and since you were praying for someone else you were able - beautiful!

Life Adapted said...

Robin, God is so good. He knows the outcome of all our situations, and He's willing to bless us and give us the opportunity to feel like we are part of the outcome by allowing us time and effort to pray. How cool is that?

Indian Lake Papa said...

I wonder how passionately I pray for myself ?? This post bothers me - I wonder if I really pray for myself like I should? thank you!

Life Adapted said...

Papa, thank you for your comment. God is showing Himself to us all the time. You are worth the effort of prayer, you are worthy. Be blessed.