Saturday, August 2, 2008


My son is 14 - and he's a smart kid. He just knows stuff. When he was 2 we watched the summer Olympics while away on vacation. He loved the high dive competition. While I rested and my husband used the bathroom (sorry, honey, it's just the facts) my son was on the bed and must have been thinking about those high divers. He got up and began jumping on the bed, gaining height with each jump . . . and then he dove right off the bed. My daughter, who was 4 at the time, watched in amazement as he did this. You see, he figured out that the Olympic divers used the diving board to spring themselves into the air, to gain height, to give them time and distance to do those amazing dives. Smart, huh? Imagine a 2 year old figuring all this out in his little head. This week my son had an awesome opportunity to fly an airplane. My son . . . in the air . . . at the controls of an airplane. I think he's always loved being "in the air." The plane landed safely and all is right in the world.

By the way, when he was 2, he landed poorly and ended up in a body cast for 8 weeks. The whole concept of landing was way beyond that of a 2 year old..........


Mamala said...

Hi Life Adapted. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments! It's nice to meet you. ;0)

And I definitely think you should celebrate being *right* . . . *again*. Good for you.


Robin said...

I was wondering if he got hurt or not and assumed not until the end. Glad it wasn't permanent damage.

Indian Lake Papa said...

I love to fly - when i was 10 I flew right off my bike and broke my arm! we just don't fly very well do we ??

Life Adapted said...

Mamala - I love the way that rolls off the tongue. Nice to meet you, too.

Robin, what a nightmare that was, we were away on vacation and he needed surgery (pins and a plate that later had to come out) and I was a mess - I'll post a story about the specail way Jesus touched my life that day. Be blessed.

Papa, I imagine you gave your mother a few scares "back in the day." My son has had 6 broken bones - the ER doctors look at us with one raised eye-brow now, wondering if we may be hitting him with a bat or something. I have to say, I've never even been tempted to hit him - well, maybe once ;)

Robin said...

Looking forward to hearing/reading this story.