Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fighting For Pop-Pop

I never thought it would come to this. Two clashing life-styles at total odds. Offspring at cross-purposes. Brothers unable to agree. And a dear man caught on the brink of understanding it all, but unable to grasp the depth of the situation. I think of the choices my husband and I have made over the past 24 years. Decisions designed to have little stress. Simple possessions that we can easily manage, splurging on adventures instead of property; memories born of time spent together not in memorabilia. This is what my parents taught me. This is what Pop-Pop taught my husband. And this is what we are teaching our children. The lessons well learned and appreciated by us have been lost on others. Not everyone in the "sandwich generation" is willing to be sandwiched, opting instead to let an impersonal institution care for the man who served during WWII, has been a great husband, father, grandfather, uncle, son, neighbor, employee and employer. A little balance issue, a little dementia, a few misplaced words are hardly reasons to institutionalize a man. A nursing home is still an institution, no matter what you call it or how you decorate the hallways or the gardens. A man can get lost there, without even leaving his room.


:)De said...

Wow! Beautiful words of tribute to what sounds like a deserving man. I believe that a floodgate of blessings will come with your decision to care for Pop-Pop.


Life Adapted said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)De - I pray your words are true. Be so blessed.

Robin said...

You are doing a wonderful act of love and service and you are teaching your children what to do in another 45 or so years when you hit that mark :) You are building a godly heritage for your children and so many more... Thank you!

Life Adapted said...

Robin, Thank you with all my heart. Do you know the "Wooden Bowl" story? What you said reminds me of it. Our children do indeed model their behavior after us, so it's important we behave properly. We are praying each day for success with Pop-Pop. Be blessed.

Indian Lake Papa said...

I am 65 - my day is too soon approaching. i know my children love me - and even when that day may come and perhaps I won't understand it all - I understand it now. they will do what they think is best and i pray that they know enough to value their relationship with each other to make that survive. I will be fine, Jesus has loved me many years - and perhaps mama will be able to help them make that decision.