Saturday, September 13, 2008

He Said, She Said

He said, "Do you want to go by yourself?" She heard, "I don't want to go with you."
She said, "That's not necessarily so." He heard, "Yes, I want to go by myself."
He said, "What time will you be back?" She heard, "I don't care if you take all day."
She said, "Why don't you want to spend time with me - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?" He said, "Huh???"
She said, "You said you didn't want to be with me and then I said I did want to be with you and then you said stay out as long as you want and I said . . . waaaaaaaaaaaaa."

He said, "Huh??????? Whose conversation is that?" She said, "That's exactly what happened and you don't even care that you hurt my feelings - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

He said, "Sorry, honey."

She heard that.


Robin said...

This reminds me of something we went over in my counseling training... I think I just saw it recently...

Ok - I give for now - I actually got side tracked in my search and forgot I even had this comment page open... but if I find it later I will post it...

Good night :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

Waaaaaaaaaa ??? !! Each night when mama and I pray together i ask God to help me communicate better w/mama. We are getting there!

Life Adapted said...

Communication is the key - that and humor. I'm just glad we're laughing at this now - silly heads.

Robin said...

I found it - woo hoo... It was in a pile in my school room... lalala

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, But I'm not sure you realize taht what you heard is not what I meant."

There are six points to consider in conversation...

1. What you mean to say

2. What you actually say

3. What the other person hears

4. What the other person thinks he hears

5. What the other person says about what you said.

6. What you think the other person said about what you said.

Oh how complicated - maybe we should all just zip it...

Life Adapted said...

Hi Robin, I love this list - I only have one thing to add -

Listen more, speak less.