Thursday, September 18, 2008

How The House Got Heated

I was freezing last night - okay, not freezing, but cold. I needed a blanket. It was a chilly 50 something during the night and now it's a chilly 60 something during the day. Earlier this week it was a balmy 80 something - my little feetzies are cold (and confused). But it doesn't matter - nothing matters because my daughter is coming home from college this weekend (YAY!). I'm so excited, I baked a cake (if you think this will help mask the smell of a dead mole, a whole can of Lysol and an old man's medicine . . . uh - gas. It won't). Anyway, here is how it went.

I gathered all the ingredients, pre-heated the oven and greased the pan. I mixed the ingredients in perfect measurements (well, define perfect), poured them into the pan and put it in the oven. I baked it to perfection (well, define perfection) and set it on the counter to cool. Then the phone rang, my computer alerted me to an email, my husband asked me to make a call, I ate lunch, I lost my glasses, found my glasses, made lunch for Pop-Pop, took out the garbage, spruced up my daughter's room (well, define spruced up) and started to break a sweat. Boy, it must be getting warmer outside . . . . . . or maybe when I put the cake on the counter I didn't turn off the oven. Ooops. And so, this is how the house got heated.


Robin said...

Love your story and I'm sure your cake was perfect :) Enjoy your daughter's visit!

Life Adapted said...

Hi Robin, Now you know I baked a healthy version of coffee cake, it was yummy. My daughter's visit was way too short. I very quickly read your update and am praying - will read it again when I have time to write a response. You are covered in His grace.

Robin said...

HI :) I love making healthy version of things that aren't so good for you.

A week or so ago a friend game me an Amish friendship bread starter and it's going to be ready to cook tomorrow. I've been feeding it less sugar and whole wheat flower and oat bran instead of white flower. Tomorrow I'm going to have a baking fest and make more than I should - I'm not giving bags away this time (may keep on for myself to do next time) because I'm baking bread to take to friends instead of giving them the starter. My next door neighbor's baby was rushed to the hospital on her Daddy's birthday - I was going to take them some kind of dessert on Saturday, but decided to wait a bit - so I will take it over tomorrow when they get home from the hospital instead. And I also wanted to do something nice for some other friends too. When I make the bread for my friends I'm going to mostly follow the recipe, but for the ones I keep I'm going to make them lighter and healthier. Applesauce instead of oil and whole grains instead of white flour and less sugar. Can't wait :)

Guess you tell tell how easily I go off on a tangent... :)

Thanks for your prayers!

Have a great week!

Robin said...

I just typed a rambling LONG response... and think I forgot to type in the verification letters - ughh... so I will reply again later...

Thanks for your prayers!

And please keep praying for my neighbor (9 month old Suzanne) and her family as she is in the hospital - you can read about it in the comments section of my last post at Actions Speak Loudest. Precious Family please pray...

I will make my coffee cake comments again later...

Indian Lake Papa said...

You still have that room available if i come and cook ???

Life Adapted said...

Robin, I love that friendship bread, but my family felt funny eating something that resembled a science experiment. I see how much you love to cook - you and your family can move in with us anytime. :)

Papa, the room is ready when you are - well, get Robin to do all the cooking - ;)

Robin said...

I love playing in the kitchen - thing is its always an experiment, but I have fun doing it. Oh can I have someone walk behind me and clean up... now that would just about make my day :)

My kids are wanting to start experimenting too, but I told them while they are learning they need to follow the recipes and directions (unless of course I'm there to lead them down another more interesting path - haha)

My (5) son was completely thrilled to deliver his two loaves of bread today. My (8) daughter made cookies last week for a couple at our church and she was so proud also. On Sunday when the lady of the house brought her a personal thank you note it about made her day.

Keep praying for our neighbor, Suzanne. Her dad told me today that most likely she will come home with a feeding tube. If that happens they are pretty sure her day care situation will end. He said that he will become a stay at home dad if that happens. So keep praying!

Oh and one more thing about moving in - my kids and I LOVE to shovel snow. I know we are crazy, but we really enjoy doing it and like to do it for more than just our family. We try to rush out and shovel for people before they get up or get home. I bought both of my kids their own shovel when they were three years old and you would have thought I took them to an amusement park or something for how happy it made them.