Friday, October 31, 2008

10 Minutes

I ordered an exercise tape from an infomercial that promised I would loose weight, feel great and have rock hard abs in just 10 minutes a day. In just 10 minutes a day, you can get a full body workout. Work out every major muscle group in just 10 minutes! You get the idea, you can do it all in just 10 minutes a day. I thought, "I got 10 minutes." I was so excited when it came in the mail that I ran (well, okay, walked) to the DVD player and put my new workout video in. That's when I discovered that each workout session was only 10 minutes, but you needed to do multiple sessions to achieve the rock hard abs and great body they promised. So I figured if doing 3 sessions a day can make me look good, doing 5 sessions would make me look great. My husband said, "take it slow."
. . . later that day . . .
I met my husband for coffee. As I walked into the diner he asked, "Are you limping?"

Note to self: 3 sessions a day is a good start.


Robin said...

Thanks for the smile :)

They end up wanting a lot more than 10 minutes and it ends up being the worst "10 minutes" of your life. TORTURE - both cruel and unusual.

Hope you feel better soon :)

Life Adapted said...

Robin, I worked muscles I didn't even know I had. Once again, I should have listened to my husband.