Friday, February 6, 2009


We lost a dear friend yesterday. There are no words to say how truly special this guy was. Any attempt at defining him would greatly fall short. Someone once told me that if there weren't a word for it, it must not be real (1975 high school psychology class - that should explain that statement). Anyway, there are plenty of things we are feeling that words defy. There are a whole slew of real things we feel that there are no words for. Our friend defies definition, much like his life defied limits. He followed no man, set no idols before him, believed that anything was possible with God. He was strong, good natured and did everything with gusto. He lived hard, loved hard, played hard, worked hard and . . . died hard. He even defied death for many, many months. On his death bed, he started physical therapy because he said, "If I can walk, I can run." He saw many miracles in his life time and had the help of armies of angels wherever he went. He responded to his many blessings with a child-like glee and meekness and surprise. And he was surprised that God would honor him in so many ways. Humbled doesn't even come close to describing his response to God - awe maybe, mingled with reverence, appreciation and anticipation. If he were sitting here with me and saw my tears, he'd ask, "Is God still in the Throne?" And when I answer, "Yes," he'd say,"Then all is right in the world..................."


Robin said...

Wow! What a beautiful tribute to your friend!

I'm sorry for your loss.

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Robin - they are expecting more than 500 people at his memorial service - he was a gem..........