Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Go Girls

My daughters are extraordinary. Trendy - no, trendsetters - yes! Even though they use some vogue phrases, they refuse to limit their vocabulary and use the now chic expression of the 2000's. When they are irked by something they refuse to use the pronouncement, "That sucks." Say they, "How uncreative!" And I agree. With all the really cool words out there, why use such a feckless expression? If you are really annoyed, why say something that is inconsequential? Why not communicate your feelings with feelings. If something is tedious or nettlesome, why say it s****? My daughters are adept and clever and refuse to be limited by culture's substandard use of our vast language. Because of them, I am going to try and be more creative with my words. When my kids were little I used to tell them, "Use your words." (That was when they would hit or whine instead of talking.) Now they are young adults and they are using their words in a wonderful way. Yay them! So, yesterday when I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Life S*****!" I thought, no it doesn't, it's just vexing at times. How's that for a bumper sticker, "Life Is Vexing!"


Anonymous said...

Your family's use of vast vocabulary inspires me.....thanks for the examples you set.........and while life is indeed vexing, it doesn't "suck" no matter how bad it seems.....maybe you could lengthen your bumper sticker to say all that. You go girls.......
Praying for your family.

Life Adapted said...

Thanks J! Miss you! I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Wish Upon A Star" and I thought it would be better to "Pray Upon Your Kness" So, my bumper sticker will say, "Stop Wishing and Start Praying!"
Be blessed.

Robin said...

You need to write bumper stickers :) Love both of the ones you came up with in the post and in the comments.