Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Born - October, 1926
Died - February, 2009
We love this picture - it's from when Pop-Pop was living with us in September. He was happy then, free from the nursing home, eating well, laughing so hard that his teeth fell out (I don't know if you've ever seen someone laugh so hard that their teeth fell out, but if you haven't, you need to put it on one of those lists people make about things they want to do before they die). This picture (with our children not cropped out) is up on his board at the nursing home. Last week when we were there together my husband asked him, "Do you remember when we went out for ice cream and you ate both scoops of butter walnut?"
"Are you hard of hearing? No."
"Don't you remember, Dad? We went and saw the goats and the cows and you ate 2 scoops of butter walnut ice cream. It was a beautiful day and the 3 kids were there, too. Look at the picture. You must remember."
Very casually, Pop-Pop looked at my husband and says, "I don't remember eating butter walnut ice cream . . . but I remember eating butter pecan ice cream."
That's Pop-Pop for you . . . in a nut shell . . . witty to the end . . . the last zing . . .


:)De said...

Oh LA, I am so very sorry for your loss. The kids and I will be praying for you and your family. I can't wait to finally meet Pop-Pop when we all get home. Thank you for sharing him with me.

Peace In Him!


Life Adapted said...

Thanks :)De - you are so sweet to care so much and yes, we'll all meet in Heaven. You've got a beautiful family - enjoy them all the time...
Be so very blessed.

Anonymous said...

There was a party in Heaven when PopPop arrived. He ate butter pecan icecream, I'm sure of it. Rest well my friends, he is in great hands now.
Love, J

Life Adapted said...

Thanks J, he's probably razzing them in Heaven!

Indian Lake Papa said...

I Hope we still hear pop-pop stories! I like butter-Walnut ice cream (??) !! WIll Miss pop-pop!

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Papa, we miss him so much already. I have tons of stories to tell yet. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for caring.