"Okay, what's the matter?!"
"Park it here and follow me!" My husband is very accommodating and my children are very obedient and so they did as I said. I walked right up to the ticket window that read, "Helicopter Rides Over Mount Rushmore." My family was shocked, as this was not something you would ever expect me to do. I said, "Listen, Nick gave us some money, he said to do something special. What would be more special than seeing the whole world from a glass helicopter, from an angel's point of view? I'm buying tickets." I could barely breathe, I gave no one any time to protest, lest I change my mind. Only two people could go at a time and there are five of us, so we needed to buy three rides. I turned to my family and said, "Are you all right with the Lord?" My son was the first to answer and so he was the one who would get to go twice. I had the tickets in my hand and we would be the next to fly. I asked my family again, "Are you all right with the Lord?" Yes, they said. I asked, "Is anyone nervous?" My daughter said, "Well, I wasn't until you started asking if I was right with the Lord!" My husband said, "Just in case, you and I should not go together." Sheesh, what are they so uptight about!
It was the most exhilarating thing we ever did. Just amazing. An angel's view of the world. Wow. . . as we drove away I yelled, "Stop the car!"
"Now what?!" my husband asked.
"Are you crazy??!!" I yelled. "How could you let us fly in a glass helicopter like that??!! Why on earth would you listen to me? If I said let's go jump off a bridge would you do it????!!!!"
My son from the back seat started doing a little jig and sang, "Oh yeah, Mama's goin' bungee jumping, oh yeah . . ."
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